Cosplay Spotlight: Diana the Great

Cosplay Interview with Diana Alexander

By Katherine Vasper


How long have you been Cosplaying? 
Unofficially for 10 years.  Officially for almost 4.

How/When did you first get into Cosplay? 
It started as participating in the Halloween contests at work, and gradually upping the ante every year, incorporating more props, hats, wigs and contacts, until it became costumes, and I was encouraged to actually go to a comic convention.

What does Cosplay mean to you? 
If speaking of the definition of the word, it does mean just that, a costume player, or play in costumes.  Or if we are referring to the impact that cosplay may mean, then I consider it to be a creative outlet of expression and appreciation for a particular fandom.

What do you think Cosplay could mean for someone who has had a hard life? 
It could serve as a creative outlet for sure! 

What is your favorite Cosplay you have done? 
A tie between my Neo Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon, and Wonder Woman.

What would you like to do with Cosplay in the future? 
Eventually, I would love to help others create as well.

What are your thoughts on Cosplay Isn’t Consent? 
I wholeheartedly support this initiative.  I have several friends in the cosplay community who take tastefully provocative, and sometimes full on lewd pictures, or those who will cosplay as characters that may wear less clothing than what some are comfortable with. (and I say ‘some,’ very gently, as we all have our respective opinions) but regardless of how little, or even how much, clothing/costuming someone is wearing, it’s never an open invitation for physical contact.

What can cosplayers do to make a difference in their community? 
We already do so much!  Charity appearances, parties, making dreams come true, make a wish, hospital visits, charity events, volunteer events, the list goes on.

What do you want to see in the future of cosplay? 
Inclusivity and understanding for all. 

What goes into a planning a costume/how much time could it take? 
An idea first.  Planning can be on average one to 4 months depending on the event. Then coordinating makeup, wigs, contacts, props, tools, accessories and materials.  After that, finding the time to build.

What is the most difficult thing about being a cosplayer?
Finding the time to build, lol.  That and sleep.

If you had an unlimited budget what would you cosplay? 
More characters from my childhood, and actually take a few classes on building and sewing. 

Do you only Cosplay at conventions? If not where else do you Cosplay? 
Nope, I’ve also done charity events and volunteer events too.

How Far do you go to get into “character”? 
I try to still be myself no matter what.  There’s some essence of me in every cosplay I create.  I will try to be somewhat accurate with looks such as a wig or contact, but I don’t speak in a certain demeanor or anything of that nature.

How has Cosplay affected your day to day life? 
Lack of sleep mostly.  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a full night of sleep before a con, lol.  I am usually up until the morning of still crafting!

How do you decide what you are going to cosplay? 
I draw inspiration from various sources.  It could be a show I’m watching, a memory, or a conversation.  once I have an idea, then I assess how to achieve it.  If it seems feasible, then I commit.

With do you think of “Cosplay Celebrities”? 
I don’t have any major opinions.  As long as they are using their craft and passion for good, they’re fine by me.   I respect YaYa Han and Kamui Cosplay quite a bit.

Thoughts on Homemade Cosplay Vs. Commissioned? 
So long as you aren’t trying to pass off a commissioned cosplay as that of your own creation, I have no problems. 

Do you have a Cosplay “Bucket List”? 
Yes!  I’d love to do some more 80’s cartoon characters, other super heroines, and some gender bends . . . but I won’t reveal for now!

Who are your favorite Cosplayers? 
Pros & Cons Cosplay, One Life to Another Cosplay, Oh My Sophii, Shadowcat Cosplay, Ravens Reaper Cosplay, Dominique Skye, Papa Bear Cosplay, BB Cosplay, Luna Flare, Kiss a Frog Cosplay, Another Castle Creations, my Sailor Moon Friends, --- there’s an endless list.  I’d be here for hours if I tried to list everyone.

When it comes to photographs at conventions, when do you think its appropriate and not appropriate for people to ask for photos? 
Not when I’m eating, on the way to the bathroom, or on the way from the bathroom—that’s inappropriate.  Also if there’s any uncomfortable feelings.  Other than that, just use a good sense of judgment.

If you make your own costumes, where is your favorite place to source materials? 
HOME DEPOT!  JoAnn Crafts and Fabrics, US TOY Co, and Michaels.  That, and Amazon. 

What are your thoughts on screen accuracy versus artistic interpretation? 
Artistic interpretation for the win. 

How much does makeup figure into your overall look? 
Man let me tell you, some defined brows and a few fake lashes will help ANYTHING.  But it depends on the character.  My genderbend InDiana Jones doesn’t require much makeup, however my Cheetara requires facepaint and leopard spots.  It all depends on the character.

Best cosplay trick/tip? 
Having a cosplay repair kit at all times. No matter what.

What would you say are the must-have tools when it comes to making costuming? 
Super glue, hot glue, a razor blade, a clean space to create in, sharp scissors, and sleep.  Sleep is a must have tool.  It’s rare though.

Advice to people just starting out in cosplay? 
If you find yourself overwhelmed, take a step back and break down the workload into smaller, more achievable tasks.  If you doubt yourself, remember why you started.  And if you need a friend, look me up.  I’m here for you.

Where can people find you online? 
Funny you should ask, I happen to have a website:

What was the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done? 
Wonder Woman, but only because I challenged myself to also enter the cosplay contest at Planet Comicon.

Any advice for beginning Cosplay? 
Pace yourself, budget accordingly, and be confident.

How do you feel about “closet cosplay?”
I think it’s neat!  I’ve only done it once or twice but it’s very fulfilling to not have to spend much or venture much when you already have the items you need on hand.

Have you won any awards/contests? 
I can say that I have.  3 years in a row I won the Halloween contests at work.


Do you participate in cosplay contests? 
At Jackson County CASA’s SuperHero 5K, I won Most Original Costume in the Adult Category two years in a row.  And my shining glory is that I won the Judges Choice award for my Wonder Woman in Planet Comicon’s Cosplay Contest, for the Novice category.

Anything you refuse to cosplay? 
Anything racist or derogatory.  I also refuse to race face, and strongly abhor anyone who does, or does black face.


Thank you again for the opportunity!  It’s been a pleasure—Diana




Photograph credit to Given with permission by Diana.

Photograph credit to Given with permission by Diana.