Cosplay Spotlight: Pepper Stark

Cosplay Interview with Pepper Stark

By Katherine Vasper


1. How long have you been Cosplaying?

8 years.

2. How/When did you first get into Cosplay?

I got into cosplay when I was fairly young, watching Naruto and I decided I wanted to be the characters, since I was done with my homeschool work for the day I got my sewing machine out and made my first makeshift costume.

3. What does Cosplay mean to you?

Cosplay is a way to escape the stress of my everyday life.

4. What do you think Cosplay could mean for someone who has had a hard life?

Cosplay is something that helps them get away from all their hardships.

5. What is your favorite Cosplay you have done?

Sakura Uchiha.

6. What would you like to do with Cosplay in the future?

I would like to make a ball gown with a suit of armor.

 7. What are your thoughts on Cosplay Isn’t Consent?

I totally agree with it as a cosplayer has been harassed by others while in cosplay.

8. What can cosplayers do to make a difference in their community?

You can do just about anything cosplay related to make a difference like if your good at doing something show other cosplayers how to do that skill.

9. What do you want to see in the future of cosplay?

More positivity and better cosplay contests.

10. What goes into a planning a costume/how much time could it take?

I take from 1 month to a year and a half depending on the difficulty of the cosplay.

11. What is the most difficult thing about being a cosplayer?

The amount of money, and the toll it takes on you physically.

12. If you had an unlimited budget what would you cosplay?

I would make a Worbla top of armor with a ball gown style bottom.

13. Do you only Cosplay at conventions? If not where else do you Cosplay?

I cosplay to events and I also do at home or photo shoots due to my YouTube.

 14. How Far do you go to get into “character”?

I listen to episodes to get the voice just right of the character.

15. How has Cosplay affected your day to day life?

I have more of an artistic viewpoint on life because of cosplay.

16. How do you decide what you are going to cosplay?

I use my favorite shows and favorite characters to choose.

17. With do you think of “Cosplay Celebrities”?

I look up to them.

18. Thoughts on Homemade Cosplay Vs. Commissioned?

I don’t have an issue with either especially if you don’t know how to make something, just don’t steal the credit from your commissioner.

19. Do you have a Cosplay “Bucket List”?

Yes, I do.

20. Who are your favorite Cosplayers?

Fawnina, Uchiha Hotline, Jessica Nigiri.

21. When it comes to photographs at conventions, when do you think its appropriate and not appropriate for people to ask for photos?

When a cosplayer is walking around and having fun feel free to ask! If they are eating or don’t consent do not take their picture.

22. If you make your own costumes, where is your favorite place to source materials?

I usually base off of the art from the many/ anime or movie but sometimes I draw out my own designs.

23. What are your thoughts on screen accuracy versus artistic interpretation?

I love both but I almost always add in my own twist.

24. How much does makeup figure into your overall look?

A lot, I easily spend hours perfecting makeup for a con.

25. Best cosplay trick/tip?

You can never be too detailed when it comes to cosplay, and it’s all about what you feel is right for the cosplay not others opinions.

26. What would you say are the must-have tools when it comes to making costuming?

Scissors, a needle and thread and hot glue.

27. Advice to people just starting out in cosplay?

Cosplay is about having fun not about who’s costume is better than yours. Don’t listen to cosplay bullies.

28. Where can people find you online?

There’s a big fandom on Facebook, Instagram and Cosplay Amino.

28. What was the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done?

It was a pirate cosplay.

29. Any advice for beginning Cosplay?

Make sure to have fun.

30. How do you feel about “closet cosplay?”

It’s part of cosplay. I still do this especially on my YouTube channel.

 31. Have you won any awards/contests?

Yes, I won beginners best craftsmanship and judges choice last summer.

 32. Do you participate in cosplay contests?


33. Anything you refuse to cosplay?

Anything oversexualized.

Image used with permission of Cosplayer. Taken by Sam Pho.

Image used with permission of Cosplayer. Taken by Sam Pho.